About Us
Welcome! We are so glad you are here! At Life Christian Center Church we are committed to help people win in life. We strive to provide a church that is R.E.A.L. – Relational, Evangelical, Authentic, and Loving.
Life Christian Center Church is a non-denominational, spirit-filled, full gospel church. We are affiliated with the Association of Faith Churches and Ministers (AFCM). Pastor Barb Johnston has been the senior pastor at Life Christian Center since January 2006. She and her husband Guy have been married for over 30 years and have two children. Pastor Barb is licensed & ordained through AFCM.
What We Believe
- God exists eternally in the trinity: The Father, Son and Holy Spirit.
- Jesus is the Son of God. He lived a life without sin and gave himself as a sacrifice by dying on the cross for our sins. He rose from the dead after three days and ascended to heaven. Jesus will one day return to the earth to rule and reign.
- The only way to heaven is through the acceptance of Jesus, God’s gift of salvation, His Son.
- The Bible is God speaking to us personally. It is infallible and serves as a guidebook for living.
- Christians are to live a spirit-filled life according to Acts 2:1-4, Mark 16:17-18, and Hebrews 13:8.
Become part of the Life Christian Center family and experience:
- Powerful and contemporary worship time.
- Relevant and inspiring messages for today.
- Casual and relaxed atmosphere to build relationships with God and others.
- Growth and ministry for the entire family.